Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F

Create a Post on your Blog entitled "Why Big Fr and Hungry F", which explains these things in a numbered list:
  1. Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN
  2. Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE
  3. Why Noble Gases don't have EN values
  4. Why Fluorine has the highest EN

1. Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN because it has 7 shells (row 7 on the periodic table) and it has the smallest number of electrons in its row. It is the biggest because its ionization energy is low and it's so big it is not good at attracting electrons.
2. Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE because helium has the least number of shells possible and within the first row there are only two elements, hydrogen and helium. Helium is going to pull its shells closer because it is smaller than hydrogen. It has high ionization energy because it is the smallest and heaviest and it takes the most energy to remove an electron.
3. Noble gases don't have EN values because they have full valence shells. They have full shells, so they do not need to gain or lose electrons.
4. Fluorine has the highest EN because it is only one electron from having a full valence shell.  and has the highest attraction to electrons. The smaller the element, the higher attraction it has.